Casper Development LLC Tulsa, Oklahoma 2018-Present

(Native American Owned Company) Owner/Partner

Professional Consulting and Development Services for Native American Interests

Commercial Development of Tribal and Associated Lands

Prospects for Independent Energy Services and Community Health Services

Osage, Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw Tribes

Casper Design Services | Casper Design LLC Tulsa, Oklahoma 2012-Present

Professional Design and Development Consultant

Project Management and Construction Administration

Expert Review for Oklahoma Office of Emergency Management | Public Schools | FEMA

Masterplan and Development for Downtown Tulsa Arts and Performing Arts Districts

Lead Design KSQDesign, SparksReed, Cyntergy, Architects INK, SWE Architects

Resiliency, Safety and Wellness K-12 and Higher Education

Business Development, Networking and Client Relationship

Intern Development, Project Team Building and Leadership Structure Strategies

Casper Construction LLC Dallas, Texas 2004-2007

Highland Park, Park Cities, Preston Hollow, Downtown Dallas and surrounding areas.

Residential Construction and Contracting

Historical Renovations, Traditional Craftsmanship and Detailing.

MicroEnergyNetworks LLC Dallas, Texas 2004-2008

Energy Technology Startup- Founder

Demand Side Management, Real-Time Pricing and Trading, Smart Metering

Independent Energy Brokerage in partnership with Endigo Energy

Decentralized Energy Systems and Concepts for Micro-Grid Shared Energy Communities

Technology Transfer Policy Representative; United Nations Major Group Children and Youth

Technology Development Expert Panelist for MIT Energy Conference and other Forums

Casper Design and Development Dallas, Texas 2000-2012

Professional Consulting and Design Services|Arts, High-Rise, Dot-Com, Commercial Film

Masterplan and Development Deep Ellum and Performing Arts District

Private Estate Design for high-end residential clientele

Construction Documents -production for other local architectural firms

Murphy/Jahn Chicago, Illinois 1997-2000

Design and Project Lead"| High-Performance and Advanced Climate Responsive Structures

Daylighting and Energy Analysis and Concepts

3D Design Concepts, Visualization and Presentation

Sasaki Associates Watertown, Massachusetts 1994-1997

Construction Document Production

3D Design Concepts, Visualization and Presentation

Prudential/PruCare Tulsa/OKC 1986-1993

Internal Auditor/Accountant/Researcher

Sick Building Syndrome - causes and solutions for internal staff and insured stakeholders..

Professional Work

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT School of Architecture and Planning

Master of Architecture 1996

Native American Full Tuition Scholarship

Special Projects:

Center for Advance Visual Studies Krzysztof Wodiczko; ‘Virtual Identities and Native Peoples’.


“Entropy and Surfaceness“ Anne Pendleton Julian, Kenneth Kao and Andrew Scott

Duel Envelope Dynamic Building Facades Design, Computational Control and Fabrication

Climate Adaptive Fabrics - Environmentally Responsive 4D ‘Woven’ Building Envelope Systems

based on Indigenous Weaving and Seasonal/Directional NA Surface Patterning Traditions

Minimal, Conceptual and Land Art Studies; Theirry DeDuve | Harvard GSD

‘Posthumous Industrial Structures’ Anne Beha Photography Grant MIT

Sloan School of Management Center for Real Estate

Master of Real Estate Finance and Development 1997

Real-Estate Finance and Development - additional year of study

University of Oklahoma

Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design 1993

Basic Design and Structures; Focus on natural ventilation and healthy building environments.

Most Creative Design Award; Design Studio Award 3rd Place

‘20th Century Furniture Exhibition’ Personal Collection of Mid-Century and Bauhaus Furniture

‘Posthumous Industrial Structures’ UROP Photography Grant

Tulsa Junior College

Associate of Arts 1990

Accounting, Fine Arts, Humanities, Philosophy, Painting, Drawing and Sculpture

Professional Training

Safe Schools 101

Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (OEM)

FEMA P361 IBC and ICC-500 Assessment, Inspections and Recommendations;

Oklahoma Public Schools Safe Room and Shelter Areas


Graphisoft | Unreal Engine

ArchiCAD andTwinMotion

BIM and Real-time Visualization Presentation, Demonstrator and Instructor




Creative Suite

Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere

MicroSoft Office

All Products


Reality- Based Lighting, Irradiance, Glare,Thermal Analysis and Visualization


J Kyle Casper has over 25 years of architectural design experience and community

service. His work as Design Director and Studio Leader focuses on energy efficient,

thermally confortable and inspiring spaces, thier relationship to the environment

and the people they serve.

Casper believes that adaptability, sustainabilty and resiliency are increasingly

important aspects of every project and our professional social responsibility.

With additional educational background and business experience in real-estate

finance and development, Kyle enjoys close management of the costs and

scheduling of each project, and it’s aligment with studio personnel and design

goals. As a result, he works early and closely with the clients to develop feasibilty

studies, budget pro-formas and schedules to effectively deliver the quality of

project required and ensure intended design. Casper works to ensure that the

owner has a property that complies with the lifetime of the financial instruments

of development and provides the quality of design intent and constructed for

insurability and durability.

While in Dallas, Kyle launched Casper Construction LLC providing additional

contracting and construction administration services for his residential and small

commerical projects.

In keeping with energy efficient building and development, he also founded

MicroEnergyNetworks, a micro-grid energy sharing concept for small

underrepresented neighborhoods and communities.

Central to Casper’s career has been the connection to and stewardship of our

Earth’s Climate, our environment and the connections we have to the living

beings with which we share this space. To that end, he has been an activist and

environmentalist working with underrepresented Indegenous and Youth groups.

His organization WorldClimateCoucil has been globally active since 1996.

Returning to Tulsa in 2012, to care for his parents, Kyle has committed to ‘giving

back’ to the community and people in his hometown. His local design and

development work for Tulsa incorporates progressive design, careful financial

oversight, and exciting energy efficient/resilient projects for area.

Kyle has been awarded two AIA Design Awards and has the only building ever on

the cover of Tulsa People Magazine. D Magazine designated his work “Ten Most

Beautiful Houses in Dallas” and “Ten Most Charming Cottages in Dallas”.

Casper extended his community involved with teaching at the University of

Oklahjoma and team building and mentorship with local architectural firms.

In Tulsa, Casper Development LLC, identifies and works with local tribes on issues

related to energy independence, health and well-being for community developments.

The company performs design and feasibility studies for development in tribal

land and private investment in adjacent public infrastructure, residential, retail and

commercial interests.

Kyle currently lives in his childhood family home and enjoys hikes with his dogs

Rocket, Rover and Sattie. He practices aquaculture and restores family historical

woodworking tools and black powder rifles.


Featured Project List

Finance and Development

Native American

Osage Nation State of Missouri

Prospects for the restoration of the Osage Nation to their original tribal lands.

Studies for land-based gaming and tax structure proposals


Osage Nation Osage Beach, Missouri

New Casino, Hotel and Mixed-Use Development

Programming, Site Development with MDOT, Architectural Modeling and Visualization

Land Options, Feasibility Plan Financial Proformas.


Osage Nation Tulsa, Oklahoma

Office Buildings and Commercial Park

New Osage Nation Tribal Administration Facilities

Development of adjacent 500 acres for Private Commercial Development


Osage Nation Sand Springs, Oklahoma

Hotel and Casino Expansion

Concept and Feasibility Study


Osage Air Park Tulsa, Oklahoma

Drone Training Facilty, Warehouse and Free Trade Zone Development

Concept and Feasibility Study


Cherokee Nation Catoosa, Oklahoma

New Hard Rock Hotel High-Rise, Existing Hotel and Casino Expansion

$150M +

Creek Nation Tulsa, Oklahoma

RiverSpirit Casino and Recreation Mixed- Use

Concept and Feasibility Study for Residential, Retail, Office and Dining

Programming, Financial Proformas, BIM Modeling, Structural and MEP Concepts


Choctaw Nation Oklahoma Multiple Locations

University of Oklahoma (OU) Physicians Health and Wellness Center

Integrated energy, wellness and educational tribal facilities

Concept and Feasibility Study


Environmental and Community

Ash Creek Micro-Houses Dallas, Texas

Small 18-unit Shared Energy Community near White Rock Lake Nature Trails

Decentralized independent energy production and trading infrastructure development

Garth Brooks Ranch Conservation Easement Owasso, Oklahoma

In Partnership with The Nature Conservancy

Proposal to convert 2,000 acre Brooks Ranch to Conservation Easement.

Studies for tax benefits and mineral rights scenarios.

Education K-12

Edison Preparatory School - The Collegiate Center 2015 Tulsa, Oklahoma; KSQ Design

Lead Design, Construction Document Oversight, Project Management and Construction Administration

Two Lecture Halls, Student Lounge, Administrative and Counseling Offices, Parent/Teacher Conference

Rooms, Concurrent Enrollment College Classrooms, Testing Center and College Program Library

Bids were within $3,000 of public school bond budget and preliminary cost estimates.


Extremely flexible and adaptable for multi-variate testing parameters and events

Dramatic cantilevered destination space at Student Study Lounge

Structure as way-finding for student access circulation paths and security-controlled single entrance

Single pan-optic administrative oversight and active shooter security protocols

Edison Middle School 2013 Tulsa. Oklahoma; KSQ Design

The Collegiate Center ‘Sister Building’

Design Proposal, Development and Presentation for winning public bond package approval


Ten Classrooms as FEMA P361 | ICC 500 Safe Rooms, Offices, Conferences and Lounge

Mclain School of Science and Technology Field House 2016 Tulsa, Oklahoma; SparksReed Architects

Lead Design, Construction Document Oversight, Project Management and Construction Administration

Project cost reduced by 25% and additional Practice Gym and Assembly areas added to program

Project construction schedule reduced by 40% with pre-fabricated structure and pre-finished envelope.

Non-confrontational and active shooter circulation and security path, SG-5 glazing used throughout


Basketball Arena/Wrestling Practice Facilities; Hospitality Suite, Locker Rooms and Offices

Original pier/beam/masonry not feasible after discovery of 100 yr-old high-pressure gas lines

Required connection to existing facilities single-access security controlled checkpoint

New ‘aerospace’ design concept based on cheaper, lighter, faster and stronger approach

Cantilevered truss structure design references NASA Artemis Crawler Transporter System

Will Rogers High School and College for the Performing Arts Tulsa, Oklahoma 2017; SparksReed Architects

Lead Design, Construction Document Oversight, Project Management and Public Presentations


Football and Multi-Sport Facility; Team Film and Weight Room, Locker Rooms, Coach Offices, Storage

Outdoor Home/Visitor Bleacher-Style Seating for 1800, Tickets and Concessions

*All facilities designed gender neutral and sport non-specific

Higher Education

Holy Spirit Research Center Oral Roberts University; ORU, Tulsa, Oklahoma KSQ Design

Global Outreach Center; Library, Museum, Production and Broadcast, Lecture, Classrooms, Offices

Design, Presentation, Feasibility and Financial Fundraising Package $50M

Worth Hills Village Texas Christian University ;TCU, Fort Worth, Texas KSQ Design

On/Off Campus Dining Hall, Residences and Support Facilities

LEED Gold; perfect score ‘Innovation and Design Process’ $100M

Greek Village Texas Christian University; TCU, Fort Worth, Texas KSQ Design

Lead Design, Financial Development Proformas and Alternate Structural Systems $125M

Liberty University

The VUE Phase I; 168 Unit/676 Bed Off-Campus Purpose-Built Student Housing

Lead Design, Financial Development Proformas and Alternate Structural Systems

Community and Arts

Perot Museum of Nature and Science Dallas Arts District, Dallas Texas

Owners Representative and Development Consultant with K. Perot, Nicole Small, Isaac Manning

Programming and Architectural Design and Development Consultant

Competition Process and Fundraising Advisory Board, Architect Selection Committee


Dallas Arboretum Local Representative for Lake Flato | Ogleby Greene

Project Management, Interior Design, Coordination and Documentation from concept sketches

Tulsa Performing Arts Center and District Tulsa. Oklahoma KSQ Design

Tulsa Artist Reperatory Theater (ART)

Conceptual Design for new Multi-Purpose Theater and Artist Housing, Practice and Performance Spaces

Opera, Ballet, Theater, Dance, Multi-Genre Music and Performing Arts

Adaptive Re-use of Otasco Hardware store with Restaurant/Bar

Tulsa People Magazine cover - March 2015

Additional Masterplan for Tulsa Performing Arts District

OSU Technology Park Tulsa, Oklahoma KSQ Design | Ross Group | Casper Development LLC

Winning Masterplan for Downtown Technology Park and Oklahoma State University Campus

Strategic Partnership with Tulsa Public Schools, OSU Materials Research Lab, The MIT FabLAB,

Downtown Technology Educational Campus; Lecture Halls, Library and Research/Development,

Residential, Retail, Entertainment, Community Transportation and Social Networking Hub.

` Deep Ellum Lofts and Dot-Com Community Dallas, Texas Oglesby Greene

Historical and Community Industrial Redevelopment; Residential Lofts, Restaurants, Theaters and Galleries

Continental Gin Lofts/Studios/Gallery Lofts, Public Art Gallery and low-income ‘artist’ housing

Farm and Ranch Lofts Pool and Rooftop Recreational and Event Facilities

Mitchell Lofts Pool and Public Recreational and Event Facilities

Commerce Street Lofts Lofts, Restaurant, Convenience Store and Live Theater

Futura Lofts Rooftop Recreational and Event Facilities

Adam Hats Rooftop Recreational and Event Facilities

TractorBeam Dallas, Texas

Historical Redevelopment of Historic Downtown Cadillac Dealership f

Offices and Creative Spaces for Design, Branding and Digital Marketing Services Company

Public Art Gallery and Event Space

StoneCore Dallas, Texas

Historical Redevelopment for Commercial Film Company Offices and Production Studios

Directorz Dallas, Texas

Historical Redevelopment for Commercial Film Company Offices and Production Studios

RareMedium Dallas, Texas

Historical Redevelopment for Commercial Film Company Offices and Production Studios

Towers and Airports

Deutsche Post Tower Bonn, Germany Murphy/Jahn

Winning Competition Entry

Design, Visualization and Energy and Thermal Comfort Concepts

“Breathing the Wind” Climimetic airflow and building performance concept

Predicted Performance; less than 100 kWh/M2

Measured performance; 79% decrease energy consumption

Suvarnabhumi Airport Bangkok Thailand

Project Lead Terminal; Concourse, Jetway, Control Tower Design

3D Model for Visualization, Energy Analysis, Mock-Up Development, Fabrication and Construction.

Glare and Daylighting Analysis with Radiance

Key Building Performance Technologies

O’Hare International Airport American Airlines Terminal 2 Chicago, Illinois

Lead Design Terminal, Transparency and Circulation Improvements

New building facade to provide clarity of way-finding for vertical and horizontal circulation.

Key Building Performance Technologies

Museum Tower Dallas, Texas Oglesby Greene

Conceptual Design and Project Development Residential Tower Dallas Arts District

Formal and Spatial Concepts based on Deutsche Post Tower

Daylighting, glare and energy performance features later altered and/or deleted; finished by others

1100 Wilshire Los Angeles CA RAD Development

Design, Circulation and Unit Layout for Office Conversion to Residential Condominiums

Financial Development Pro-Formas

Additional New Residential Tower Design and Proposal

Media and Project Publications


Skyscrapers: Structure and Design Matthew Wells, Yale University Press, 2005, Post Tower

Post Tower Werner Blaser Birkhauser 2004, Deutsche Post Tower

New Urban Giants: The Ultimate Skyscrapers A. Terranova White Star 2008, Post Tower

Skyscraper: Vertical Now Eric Howeler, Universe 2003, Post Tower

Suvarnabhumi Airport AV edition, 2007

The Flickering Switch: Architecture for a 4 Degree World J Kyle Casper; working title and outline

Building Better Barns J Kyle Casper Monograph’ working title and outline


“The World’s Top Five Ecological Skyscrapers” GDA Design Group

“Mixed Greens” NYC Skyscraper Museum Lecture Series- Helmet Jahn

“Re-Imagining Downtown” Tulsa People, March 2015, New PAC/Gates Hardware, Cover and Interview

“The Complexities Behind Storm Shelter Design” School Construction News, July-August 2014, personal interview

“Next-Level Prep” Tulsa People, March 2015, Notebook, Edison Preparatory School

“In a New Era of K-12 Education, Flexibility is Crucial to Design” Building Design and Construction, July 2016

“Tulsa’s Gates Building Gets a 21st-Century Makeover” Multi-Housing News January 2015


“Improved Irradiance Mapping in the Continental United States” 2013 J. Kyle Casper, Kurt Leven- Brattle Group

“Comfort and Energy Concepts Post Tower, Bonn” Bonn M. Schuler, 2005, World Sustainable Building Conference

“Natural Ventilation in High-Rise Office Buildings” Antony Wood & Runa Salib


AIA Eastern Oklahoma Design Awards 2016 Merit Small Commercial ; Edison Preparatory School AIA Eastern Oklahoma Design Awards 2016 Honor, Adaptive Re-Use; Gates Hardware Building

Learning by Design Awards of Excellence Outstanding Project 2015 Edison Preparatory School

“Principle for a Day” 2015 Tulsa Public Schools; Edison Preparatory School

CTBUH 10 Year Award 2014 Deutsche Post Tower


Oklahoma Bombing Memorial – Finalist

World Trade Center 9/11 – Invited

Pentagon Memorial – Invited

Deutsche Post Tower – Winning Entry

American Airline Center Dallas - Invited

Mercedes Benz Headquarters – Invited

National Native American Veterans Memorial – Invited