Casper maintains a relationship with many global and local energy, technology and climate policy groups, including acting as a representative to the United Nations for the Major Group Children and Youth.  He has been an invited expert reviewer for the IPCC and served as organizer and panelist for the First Nations Groups at the Citizens Summit at Yale University.

 At the 2012 UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP 18) in Doha, Qatar, Casper helped introduce the first language for Disaster Relief and Recovery (DRR).  Here, Kyle also introduced concepts to implement typical difficult to deploy energy efficiency technologies for disaster resiliency and response to the Red Crescent, Technology Transfer panels and many Civil and NGO attendees.

 IN 2012, he returned to his native Oklahoma, seeking to implement some those policies and technologies into local projects in the aftermath of many climate related extreme weather events.  These new strategies can be seen in the works for many Tulsa Public Schools projects including the first FEMA 500 rated Safe Rooms for the district.  Kyle is FEMA trained and currently works with the Oklahoma Emergency Management Office inspecting schools for structural and procedural disaster response.


MITArchA MIT Architecture Alumni

MITAC MIT Alumni Club

MITEC MIT Energy Club

MITEI MIT Energy Initiative

MITEC MIT Energy Conference

MITFE MIT Forum for Equity

MITBW MIT Better World Campaign

MITCC MIT Climate Colab

MIT EESN Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Network

MITESI MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative

UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

GEF/TTP Global Environment Fund /Technology Transfer Program

UNDRR United Nations Disaster Risk and Recovery

UNDP United Nations Development Program

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

UNDP United Nations Development Program

UNEP United Nations Environment Program

UNDESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

UNDESA/SDG Sustainable Development Group

ECOSOC United Nations Economic and Social Council

UN/MGCY United Nation Major Group Children and Youth


Sustainable Innovation Forum

Sustainable Investment Forum

Sustainable Curriculum Consortium

Climate Change Network

Climate Action Network

Citizens Climate Network

The Climate Group

Select Recent Conferences and Events

2020 Sustainable Innovation Forum (Hybrid)

The Youth Agenda - Maintaining Momentum to COP26 for the Net-Zero Transition

2021 Sustainable Innovation Forum (Hybrid)

An Inclusive, Collaborative Event Enabling Climate Action at COP26

2021 EESN: Smart Paths to Net-zero Buildings

MIT Energy, Environment and Sustainability Network

2021 EESN: Reaching Net-Zero – US and State Roadmaps

MIT Energy, Environment and Sustainability Network

2021 MIT Better World (Sustainability)

Toward a Sustainable Future

2021 MIT Better World (Health)

Innovations in Human Health

2021 MITEI MIT Energy Initiative

Energy Innovation webinar series: De-carbonizing Buildings

2021 MIT Club of Boston

Net-Zero Housing

2021 MIT Club of DC

The Climate Crisis: Multilateral Challenges and Opportunities.

2022 AEC Beyond Climate: Challenges and Commitments for 2030 and Beyond

Roundtable with AEC Leaders to discuss the challenges and commitments of the next decade and beyond

as our standards are put to the test by a changing climate.

2022 UNDESA United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference

Opportunities, challenges and solutions towards achieving sustainable transport worldwide, and a way

forward for sustainable transport to help achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change.

2022 MIT Club of Northern California - Energy and Climate Series (on-line)

Current Knowledge on Climate Risks, Opportunities and Science -Kerry Emanuel

2022 Greentown Labs Climatetech Summit 2022: Catalyzing Commercialization

200+ startups and their climatetech solutions; keynotes and sessions featuring leaders across climatetech,

finance, policy, and justice; networking with key climate action stakeholders.

2023 MIT Energy Conference Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2023 UNDESA Indigenous and Youth Solutions for Clean Water: a UN DESA Global Policy Dialogue

Select Major Conferences and Events

2007 MIT Energy Conference Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Energy 2.0: Solving Tomorrow’s Energy Challenges through Entrepreneurship,

Technology & Policy Fostering Local Energy Innovation and Clean-Tech”

Presenter - MicroEnergyNetworks LLC

“Residential Micro-Grid Networks: Decentralized Power Generation Shared Energy Communities”

“Prospects for Broadband Based Home Energy Management and Real-Time Pricing Protocols”

2018 MIT Energy Conference Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Transformational Technologies”

Presenter and Panel Discussion - MicroEnergyNetworks LLC “Building to Building Energy Trading – Prospects for Community-Based DER/Blockchain”

2020 MIT Energy Conference Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Decision 2020: Creating the Landscape for Our Energy Future” Online Attendee

2021 MIT Energy Conference Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Charging Ahead to a Clear Future”

Online Discussion“MITEI Panel: Scaling Up Innovation to Meet Climate Goals”

2022 MIT Energy Conference - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition”

Breakout Panel “Modernizing the Grid”

Grid Expansion: Sustainability, Economics, Resilience and more Customer Control

2008 UNDESA/UNDP United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/United Nations Development Program

MDGNet (Millennium Development Goals Network)

Invited Participant- Online with WorldClimateCouncil “Achieving Sustainable Development”

2012 US/Canada ‘Citizens Summit’ for Sustainable Development

The Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Organizer/Panelist –“Energy Access, Efficiency, and Sustainability”; “Climate Induced Displacement”

2012 3rd Intercessional Meeting of UNCSD, UN Secretariat

UN Conference of Sustainable Development (Rio + 20)

“The Road to Rio” - Rio + 20 Zero Outcome Document

Credentialed Delegate –SustainUS/UNMGCY

Zero Draft Document “A Green Economy in Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication”

2012 USGBC U.S Green Building Council / World Business Council on Sustainable

Development/ UNEP – United Nations Environment Program

Skanska Flagship Office NYC

“Exploring the Role of Cities and Buildings in the Green Economy”

Tax Incentives and Benefits; Building Envelope Improvements and Dual-Skin Structural Spaces.

2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Rio + 20

“The Future We Want”

Credentialed Delegate –SustainUS/UNMGCY

Member states launched a process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which will build upon the Millennium Development Goals.

2013 InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

United Nations NYC - Invited Reviewer

The IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI)

Expert Review of the 2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidance

Arising from the Kyoto Protocol

2012 18th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18)

UNFCCC Doha, Qatar

Credentialed Delegate –SustainUS/UNMGCY

Event to bring together pioneers of adaptation to share experiences of climate-resilient

development in action and address the question “what is adaptation in practice”

Adaptation Practitioners Days

‘Climate Disasters and Development- Innovative Learning and Dialogue Session’

Development and Climate Days

‘ ‘Refining Questions and Insights of Climate-Smart Development’

UNDRR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

“Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction in Climate Change Adaption Related Agendas”

Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction as part of the sustainable development agenda as outlined in the Rio+20 outcome document ‘The Future We Want’